
Shuistyle provides a range of services to both educational and commercial individuals and organisations. We have a great deal of experience in online and on-premesis use of digital tools, technologies and resources.

Our staff have worked with companies such as CISCO, Google and Arup, supporting projects such as bidding for Building Schools for the Future projects and the deployment of online tools across multiple schools.

Our lead educational consultant taught for over 20 years and then went to lead the technical and pedagogical use of ICT across a local authority with 100+ schools.


Shuistyle develops custom coded web sites and has produced sites for a range of different organistions - shops, feature films, consultancies, individuals and educational organisations.

Projects have included sales web sites, progressive web apps and a web-based rewards system.


Shuistyle has considerable experience providing high quality consultancy for educational institutions. We provide expertise in the strategic, pedagogical and technical use of ICT in individual schools and groups of schools, such as multi academy trusts (MATs).

Projects have included Building Schools for the Future procurement, LEA-wide implementations of Google Apps, IT audit and strategy development for a group of independent schools, providing an acting Head of IT for a group of schools and supporting the development of digitally enabled learning for a MAT.